Healing Sacred Voices

You have to regain your voice to make an impact to build. It is your seed for other future projects to be formed from a vision to create and bring back our traditions

Communication is key described in the experience of being one with this land – our DNA were is our sense of purpose to encourage the inspiration to give life to the next generation. We are children on inheritance to protect native lands and tribal solidarity.

We Are Mother EarthSensorial Perceptual Experience Project

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

‘from the rites of our roots’
We are designing an indigenous collaboration of visions from different lens and enabling an inter-tribal framework to intersect private and public eco-systems of creating an organic culturally relevant transformation to narrate experience for a new global creator. Why are so many tribes not wanting to bring their dialects to the mainstream that is outweighed by non-indigenous languages? How do we spark an initiative to give unconventional teaching elements to spread our thought process to reach our future generations, to reach the parents, and to give back respect to our elders? Our initiative is to reach the consciousness to fight against a war for those who have passed on from speaking their dialect versus those who keep reaching for an opportunity. This is a war of psychological breakthroughs against time to make an inviting, innovative and surprising space to break down examples of historical trauma to explore the journey of a raw fiber that is microscoped into our DNAs.
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Cultural Linguistics Civil Rights
We will create an exhibition programme that allows visitors to enjoy new forms of storytelling through these long-lasting, impactful and set the agenda of keeping with the dialect’s strong modernist heritage to heal a lifestyle
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The Original Code Talkers
“However, many Americans do not know that members of nearly 32 other Indian tribes served as code talkers in World War I and World War II and have never been formally recognized for their service to our country,” said Chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado at the Senate Hearing on Code Talkers.

We are voices of generations who survived the Genocide: Indian Removal Act